Professional Info

richard mcqueen law professional background

Attorney at Law (January 1, 2016 to date)


Attorneys at Law (1963-2015)

  • Adjunct Professor

Georgia Institute of Technology, Ivan Allen College of Management, Policy and International Affairs, Atlanta, Georgia (1997-1998)

  • Adjunct Professor of Law

Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, Georgia (1984-1995)

  • Adjunct Professor

Georgia State University, Department of Kinesiology & Health, Sports Administration Master of Science Program (1994-1998)

Professional Associations
  • State Bar of Georgia (Member of the following Sections: Bankruptcy, Chairman,
    1987-88; Corporate Banking; Fiduciary; Real Property; and Taxation)
  • Life Fellow, Georgia Bar Foundation, Inc.
  • Southeastern Bankruptcy Law Institute, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia (Member of Board
    of Directors, 1974-present; President, 1983-84; Chairman 1984-85)
  • Georgia Bar Association
  • Indiana Bar Association
  • American Bar Association
richard mcqueen professional seminars
  • Lecturer, Internal Revenue Service Seminar for the Southeastern Regional Counsel Atlanta, Georgia (July 1995)
  • Lecturer, International Conference on World SportsManagement, sponsored by the Ivan Allen College, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia (October 1994)
  • Lecturer, Seminar on Bankruptcy Law, Co-Sponsored by the Bankruptcy Law Section, State of Georgia and the Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia (October 1994)
  • Lecturer, Chapter 7 Trustee Seminar, sponsored by the Office of the United States Trustee, Region 21, Atlanta, Georgia (June 1994)
  • Lecturer, Advanced Federal Tax Symposium, sponsored by The Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants, Columbus, Ohio (Oct. 1993)
  • Lecturer, Seminar on Protecting Creditors’ Rights in Bankruptcy, sponsored by CPM Seminar Systems, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia (Dec. 1992)
  • Lecturer, Seminar on Bankruptcy 1992-The Year in Review, sponsored by The Atlanta Bar Association, Atlanta, Georgia (Nov. 1992)
  • Program Co-Chairman & Lecturer, Seminar on Bankruptcy and the Enforceability of Environmental Liabilities, sponsored by CLE International, Atlanta, Georgia (Oct. 1991)
  • Lecturer, Seminar on Bankruptcy Law sponsored by the Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia (Oct. 1991)
  • Lecturer, Advanced Conference on Commercial Real Estate Leases, sponsored by CLE International, Atlanta, Georgia (Feb. 1989)
  • Lecturer, LuncheonSeminar on the Single Asset Chapter 11Real Estate Bankruptcy, sponsored by Bankruptcy Section, Atlanta Bar Association, Atlanta, Georgia (Feb.
  • Lecturer, Seminar on Bankruptcy Law, sponsored by the Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia (1988)
  • Program Chairman, Seminar on Bankruptcy Law, sponsored by the Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia (1987)
  • Lecturer, Seminar on Remedies and Enforcement Relating to Commercial Leases sponsored by CLE International, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia (Dec. 1987)
  • Lecturer, 61st Annual Meeting, National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges, New Orleans, Louisiana (1987)
  • Lecturer, Seminar on Enforcement of Securities (in BankruptcyintheUnited States), sponsored by the Section of Business Law, International Bar Association, London, England (1987)
  • Lecturer, Seminar on Commercial Leasing, sponsored by the Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia, Atlanta, Georgia (1986)
  • Lecturer, 1985 Tax Institute Symposium, sponsored by the University of Akron School of Law, Akron, Ohio (1985)
  • Lecturer, Bankruptcy Seminar, sponsored by The University of Texas School of Law, Austin, Texas (1984)
  • Lecturer, Seminar on CurrentBankruptcy Developments, sponsored bythe Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia, Atlanta and Savannah, Georgia (1984)
  • Lecturer, Southeastern Credit Management Institute, Atlanta, Georgia (1982-84)
richard mcqueen professional teaching
  • Presentation of a three-hour course on Sports Law and Business at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Ivan Allen College of Management, Policy and International Affairs, Atlanta, Georgia (Winter Quarter 1997)
  • Presentation of a two-hour course (28 hours of lecture) on Sports and the Law at the Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, Georgia (Fall Semester, 1994)
  • Presentation with Professor Jack F. Williams of a two-hour course (28 hours of lecture) on Sports & the Law at Georgia State University, Department of Kinesiology & Health, Sports Administration Master of Science Program (Spring Semester, 1994)
  • Presentation of a one-hour course (14 hours of lecture) on the “Federal Tax Aspects of Bankruptcy” in the Masters of Taxation program at the Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, Georgia (Spring Semesters, 1992, 1993 & 1994)
  • Guest Lecturer, Business Bankruptcy Course, Georgia State College of Law, Atlanta, Georgia (Spring Semester, 1994)
  • Guest Lecturer, Sports Law Course, Georgia State College of Law, Atlanta, Georgia (Fall Semester, 1993)
  • Presentation of a two-hour course (28 hours of lecture) on the Basic Bankruptcy and Chapter 11 Reorganizations at the Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, Georgia (Fall Semesters, 11984-1988, Spring Semester, 1990)


georgia institute of technology
georgia state university
Georgia State University, Department of Kinesiology & Health, Sports Administration Master of Science Program
American Bar Association Rule of Law
Emory School of law
American Bar Association, Life Fellow
The University of Akron School of Law
CLE International Atlanta
Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia
International Bar Association
The University of Texas School of Law
Supreme Court of Georgia
American Arbitration Association
Southeastern Bankruptcy Law Institute, Inc.
Indiana State Bar Association
Office of the United States Region 21
The Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountant
Critical Path Method Seminar Systems Inc
Atlanta Bar Association
ivan allen college of management policy and international affairs
The Best Lawyers in America