Construction Law Articles

“How To Preserve Your Claim”
“How To Prepare Your Claim”
“How To Present Your Claim”
“How To Itemize Your Damages,” (Parts I & II)
“How To Appeal Your Claim,” (Parts I through IV)
“Claims by Subcontractors”
“Claims Under the Miller Act,” (Parts I & II)
“Termination For Default,” (Parts I through III)
“Termination For Convenience,” (Parts I & II)
“Remedies of Unsuccessful Bidders,” (Parts I through VII)
“The Contract Disputes Act of 1978”
“Minority Business Enterprises”
“Affirmative Action”
“What Every Businessman Should Know About Bankruptcy”
“Employment at Will — An Endangered Species”
“OSHA On-Site Inspections”
“Refusal to Work for Safety or Health Reasons”
“Confusion Reigns About No-Solicitation Rules”